508 compliance for Casper

I write for many people in the disability community so having 508 compliance is important to me. 508 (refreshed) requirements or WCAG 2.0 AA compliance would be a wonderful feature. The primary idea is that the posts and index page in the Casper theme are screen-reader compliant for people who are blind or low-vision.

This would also allow a city, county, and state government to use Ghost as 508 is an accessibility mandate from the federal government.

This thread is a little old, but no one responded, so here I am.

I think Casper meets most of the requirements for full compliance, and where it doesn’t, it isn’t the theme’s fault. To oversimplify a bit, the basic requirements (as far as I know, please correct me if I’m wrong) for compliance are:

  • Somewhat well-written code: the order of HTML should correspond to the order in which content appears on the page without CSS acrobatics; appropriate use of semantic and heading tags
  • Text descriptions for all non-text elements: subtitles for videos, alt text for pictures, etc.
  • Somewhat okay design: sufficient color contrast between elements; ensure that content is understandable with or without fancy visual cues

I think Casper ticks all those boxes. The one thing I’m concerned about is alt text for pictures; you can add alt text to pictures that are included within blog posts, but everything else is left to the CMS. I’m not sure if that’s something that Casper can fix though. I think that’s something that Ghost will need to address.