Add tags to a list for text carousel


I would like to show the tags used in a text carousel.
You can see an example in my website, just below the title, in the description part.

I used [](this code)

I successfully integrated the JS code, but I’m stuck with the {{tags}} or {{#get ‘tags’}} things.

I would like to replace the static data-rotate=‘[ “tag1”, “tag2.”, “tag3” ]’ part with the real list of tags. And best if I can remove some tags from a static list…

     data-rotate='[ "tag1", "tag2.", "tag3" ]'></span>

Any idea?
Thanks for your help !

Let me get you started

This code gets you a comma separated list of all the tags:

{{#get "tags" limit="all"}}
  {{#foreach tags}}
    {{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}

Thanks a lot @pieter for your help

So if I understand correctly, I need to replace my static array by a call to this code.

I tried many combinaisons, as this one:

                   <span class="txt-rotate" data-period="2000"
                            {{#get "tags" limit="all"}}
                            {{#foreach tags}}
                                {{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}

It doesn’t work, but I’m pretty sure that I didn’t get something (sorry I’m not fluent in JS)

I still don’t understand why this is not working. Because it’s a sort of string and not a list or something like that ?

<span class="txt-rotate" data-period="2000"
    data-rotate={{tags separator=", " limit="5"}}>

Any clue?