Ascending/Descending Date Filter on Tag Page

Hi everyone, I’d like to add a filter on a tag page of blog posts – with the filter allowing the user to select either ascending or descending order, based-on date of publish. How would I go about accomplishing this? I am using the Ubud theme from Aspire Themes.

I am not too familiar with the Ubud theme, but basically, you’d need to edit the tag.hbs file.

There should be some kind of query in there, that pulls all relevant posts from Ghost. You’d need to change that to include an order parameter. You can find documentation on that here.

Apart from that, you’d also need to implement a user input for ascending/descending, that then gets passed to this query.

You might want to reach out to Aspire Themes – they can probably tell you in more detail where specifically you can implement it :slight_smile: