April 28, 2018, 1:32pm
When I wrote a Draft, and “Sort by Newest”
my newest draft should be on top. not somewhere else.
right now it’s seem like it’s sort by name. the top right “Sort by Newest” doesn’t work at all
This “edit 7 minute ago” sort in the middle, the top is “edit 6 hours ago”
that’s wrong
Ghost Version: 1.22.4
(1.22.4 is 2018 April Newest version)
Please fix this “Sort by Newest” bug
April 30, 2018, 10:05am
I think “Sort by newest” would sort by creation date not the edited date so it’s likely that the “Last edited x ago” would not match the order if you’ve gone back to edit posts.
You may also be running into this bug which relates to ordering of drafts if they’ve previously been published or had the publish date set manually
opened 03:34PM - 30 May 17 UTC
closed 05:55PM - 17 Sep 18 UTC
server / core
help wanted
### Issue Summary
Any drafts that were previously published or have had their… "published at" date manually set will be ordered above new drafts. In this example you can see the newly created draft appearing 2nd in the list despite the top post being created a few days ago and having been last edited a few hours earlier than the new post was created:
<img width="392" alt="screen shot 2017-05-30 at 15 59 57" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/415/26591311/2d98cc62-4555-11e7-820d-5fc0897ab369.png">
### Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a new post
2. Publish the post then unpublish it to make it a draft again
3. Go the the posts list, note that it's at the top of the list
4. Create a new post and keep it as a draft
5. Go back to the posts list, note that your new post is in 2nd position rather than 1st position
### Technical details:
* Ghost Version: 1.0 alpha 21
* Node Version: 6.10.1
* Database: SQLIte
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May 2, 2018, 4:33am
Can you guys change “Sort by newest” to Edited date? (instead of creation date)
it make more sense.
I constantly scroll & search to find the last 5 article and switch back and forth.
(of course I can just open up 5 tab and switch tab, that’s not the point)
Or provide more option in “Sort by”, for example: “Sort by Edit time”
and that Github issue is created at 2017 May, now it’s 2018 May.
why take so long?
“Sort by” is an important feature that people use it all the time.
Anyway, Thanks for reply, and I wish Ghost become better and better.
it’s a great blog tool, I use it for long times now
1 Like
May 16, 2018, 4:33am
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