Disable redirect on new subscribe

Version ghost:1.22.4

I’m using the awesome new subscribe feature but there’s one thing we’d really like to avoid: redirecting the user to the /subscribe page upon subscribe. We want them to stay on the same page they subscribed on. Is there any way to do this?

@etanb maybe you can just perform the POST to /subscribe through AJAX.

Have you seen this work before? Don’t I need to know what input fields I need to be sending in my POST request?

@etanb yes I’ve it on my blogs.

The way it works in your theme is just adding a customizable line in your template:

    button_class="gh-btn gh-btn-blue gh-btn-block"
    placeholder="Your email address"

So I bet you can add some JS code to event.preventDefault(); and perform your own “AJAX” call parsing all the elements inside the form.

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