Disqus counter should not be cached by the browser

Hello everybody,

in our ghost professional blog www.offenkundiges.de there is one problem with caching by the browser.

See for example this page, just the title section: https://offenkundiges.de/itikaf-2018-in-der-imam-ali-moschee-ein-erlebnisbericht/

You will probably see there under the title: “2 KOMMENTARE” (2 comments) – which is correct. However, that is not what I see in my browser, I see “0 Kommentare”. It is obviously an cache-issue, because with google chrome in incognito mode I see “2 Kommentare”, too.

So, how to prevent, that the disqus comment-counter is cached by the browser?

I implemented it in the template like this:

<a href="{{url}}#disqus_thread">0 Kommentare</a>

The page is managed by cloudflare, but this issue has nothing todo with the cloudflare caching option: I purged the cache (in cloudflare) completely and deactivated it afterwars turning it into developement mode; no change.

Thank you for advice.

Hi there! If you’re having any issue with a Ghost(Pro) site, please drop us an email on support@ghost.org and we’ll be more than happy to give you a hand directly :slight_smile: