How i can make this design

i want help in creating such design

Welcome to the forum. This a simple HTML and CSS tweak. I would suggest learn how to use the ghost editor and you’ll see blocks you could insert into your post. For this one off, you insert an html block into your editor:

<ul class="special-list">
    <li class="special-list__item"><span class="special-list__item__text">Rise of Ether, other tokens sparks worry about investor excess</span>
    <li class="special-list__item"><span class="special-list__item__text">Bitcoin share of $2.6 trillion crypto market value down to 43%</span>

This css is for the casper theme:

.special-list {
    font-family: PublicoText-Roman-Web,Georgia,Cambria,"Times New Roman",Times,serif;
    border-top: 1px dotted #000;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;
    padding: 0 !important;
    list-style: none !important;

.special-list__item__text {
    margin-left: .6em;
    display: inline-block;

.special-list__item+.special-list__item {
    margin-top: 0;

.special-list__item::before {
    content: "";
    display: inline-block;
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 6px 0 6px 12px;
    border-color: transparent transparent transparent #000;

.special-list__item:not(:last-child) {
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;


Again these are basic html and css and you may not get further replies without at least posting what you’ve done/not working.