Hey there, I have looked and looked but not found this specific scenario. I am working in the Source theme and see that there is already a dropdown.js file. However, I’m not getting it to work to create parent & child menu items. I’ve tried all the commands I can think of ([has-child] [has_child], and so on). Nothing has worked, and it’s not specified in the .js file. Can someone point me in the right direction? I’m not a developer but I have learned a lot about Ghost theme development while getting this site ready.
So far, I have just added the following line to default.hbs. <script src=“{{asset “js/dropdown.js”}}”>
That script is IIRC used for the automatic collapsing of top-level menu items. Source does not support manually configured dropdowns otherwise. I made some snippets you can paste in
Thank you! I did see this solution but the issue with the menu collapsing is a problem, as only the first 2-3 menu items come up. It’s a long menu anyway and will eventually collapse, so if I move the parents to the end of the menu I’m assuming I can get it to display wider.
Any other feedback or ideas would be great. Thanks!
Thanks! This is the one I had been using and now that I understand that the collapsible menus need to be at the end for more items to fit; it works ok. Thank you!