How to remove "Ready for unlimited access?" dialog for subscribers?

After a reader signs up on my Ghost blog, they see the following dialog at the end of each post, prompting them for a paid subscription.

However, I don’t have a paid subscription plan. Hence users see the following empty state modal after clicking the ‘Upgrade now’ button.

How can I remove the “Ready for unlimited access?” dialog? I want a simple, free subscription for my readers. It doesn’t look nice to prompt them to upgrade right after they’ve subscribed to my blog.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,

If you can edit your theme, you can remove whatever is calling the box with the upgrade link. If you can’t edit your theme, you can still hide it by setting display:hidden - you’ll just need to figure out what class is in use there. You’ll want to test to make sure you don’t take out the subscription button in the process…

Thanks for your response, Cathy. I am on a Ghost PRO (hosted) plan, so I can’t edit the theme.

I thought about using custom JavaScript to hide the upgrade prompt. Unfortunately, it uses the same classes as the subscription prompt shown to new readers.

In the screenshot below, the top window is the view new readers see, whereas the bottom one is for the subscribers. You can see both use the same classes.

Unless I’m missing something obvious, I’ll have to use some conditional logic to check for the presence of the upgrade button and hide the parent div. Please let me know if you have a better solution.

Or, it would be nice if there’s a way I can figure out if the current reader is a subscriber? If yes, then I can simply hide the element for subscribers.


You’re on the basic plan? The others do allow theme editing.
If you’re on basic, then yes, I think your best option is the conditional logic you describe.
I’m downloading the Dawn theme - maybe there’s an easy PR to be made.

If by basic you mean the Starter plan, then yes. I will post my JavaScript solution once I get it working.

FYI, I am using the Digest theme.

Thanks for your help.


laughs Why did I decide you were on Dawn? Digest it is!

Hi there! If you’re having any issues with a Ghost(Pro) site, please drop us an email at and we’ll be more than happy to give you a hand directly :slight_smile: