How to remove url site from src img?

I’ve use casper theme, i want to remove url for example :
srcset=“ 300w
srcset=”/content/images/size/w300/2019/01/tes-1.jpg 300w

because i have problem with content mixed.
and i don’t have access to edit nginx

Any solution?

Maybe just edit your config file ( config.production.json) to move your website name to https (or run ghost config url)? This should solve the mixed content issue.

I’m using Let’s Encrypt and not working. Redirected to :sob:

This is definitely a misconfiguration issue. Fixing the assets that are output will only fix one symptom, not the root cause, and there may be other symptoms

As @hannah said, you have to reconfigure your URL. Login to your backend via SSH, type ghost config url and restart Ghost. Make sure to re-upload the images afterwards, so Ghost replaces the URL for the image, too.

Thanks for the reply,

Solved by using Cloudflare as my SSL Certified. Then change url to https.

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