Import from wordpress to ghost 2.0

You know docker I think, so I could give you the instructions that I give to people who need it, but that’s probably not what you are looking for?

Basically, I just run the following:

docker run --name my-ghost-blog d -p XXXX:2368 \
-e url= \
-e NODE_ENV=production \
-v /path/to/your/docker/ghost/my-ghost-blog:/var/lib/ghost/content \
--restart=always \

I run it with a reverse proxy jwilder/nginx, and the letsencryptcompanion for it. That way I can host it securely for them on my own domain. They log in, create admin account, import data, send me a notice and I run the same command (after throwing away the 1-alpine container), and the only thing I change is the last part:

But I’m not sure you’re looking for that?

PS: the only downside is I can do 5 secure domains a day because of letsencrypt limitations.

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