Link in post is getting encoded incorrectly

This was has got me stumped.

I have a new post. I have text with a href assigned, with the following url:

All looks good until post is published, the url then gets encoded and changes to:

As you can see, the & gets encoded as &%3B and messes with the destination.

I have tried adding link as button, raw html, tried forcing encoding for &, but not having any luck.

Has anyone come across this, and know of a solution?

My solution right now is to use a bit.liy link, but it’s not ideal long term.

Could you share a link? I can’t reproduce this issue with my theme.

I don’t have a live link, it’s been fixed.

Hmm, so if not happening on your site… what does that mean :confused:

What controls the encoding of text?

You haven’t explained how you fixed ir, and tgis would provide some insight. Did you update the link by repasting the URL?

I’d hazard a guess that the pasted text had the encoding already, and this was translated by the editor, but not on the live page. I’ve not tested this theory.

My “fix” I was referring too was using the The article is live for my members so I can’t share a broken one.

I’ve created a new post and it’s all working… I’ll figure this out now :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!