Native comments system

I agree with the above comments that comment functionality should probably be provided via a tight integration and native support for a specific plugin as opposed to being built into core. However, that leaves the question of which commenting plugin Ghost should select to provide native support for. The way I see it is this:

  1. The options discussed above are ‘open’ and in line with Ghost’s core values, but are often a) less powerful b) may not have a secure development future
  2. Options like Disqus suck for obvious reasons

I’m surprised no one has discussed the option of providing native support for Coral Talk yet. Coral was created by Mozilla and recently acquired by Vox Media who have maintained its open source license (and who state will keep it open source in future), and has strong adoption in a lot of enterprise publishers. Seems like a nice middle ground between the considerations discussed in 1) and 2), i.e. the balancing act between ‘power’ and continued development.

Of course, if this option is to be explored, Ghost will have to speed up moving to Node12 as ‘recommended support’ from v10, as Coral only supports Node12 and above.

@John thoughts?