Post comments with links to GitHub being flagged as spam?

I ran into a problem renewing a TLS/SSL certificate via Let’s Encrypt for a Ghost blog I maintain.

I found two relevant posts:

Like several other commenters, my Ghost blog is using the client to handle certificates via Let’s Encrypt.

I made three comments on the above two posts that were apparently flagged as spam – I received three ‘system’ messages claiming that. The comments:

[Apparently I can only include three (3) links in a post/topic! I’ve removed the links to the comments – maybe someone else reading this can find the “ignored” comments themselves.]

In two of the comments I linked to an issue in the GitHub project for

Someone replied to my comment on one of the posts and I just replied with some more info – but I was unable to post the comment as originally written because I tried to link to the same GitHub issue as before. From a cursory Google search, I found some evidence that this a general Discourse feature, i.e. preventing a user from posting links to the same domain a certain number of times in a certain period.

I can appreciate that preventing spam is important, and useful, but none of those comments seem like spam – I certainly only intended to provide some useful info about a problem I was having with my own Ghost blog.

When the system or a user reports something as spam, it goes into a moderator queue. I’ve reinstated all the posts that were flagged

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I’ll be more patient in the future :slightly_smiling_face: