Posting via API does not send email notification

Hi @matthanley, I’m wondering, is the team is pondering this question (re paid content delivered to free subscribers)

Delivering the notification (title + excerpt) would be expected/desired. The question is, should the content be delivered too. Note that the same free user wouldn’t be allowed to see the same content on the site

Basically, I’d say the email “experience” should emulate the site experience. A free subscriber can see titles (+excerpts) of paid posts on the site, but not the actual paid post content. The emails should follow that pattern


The current implementation gives full control over who receives the email - free members, paid members, or both. It’s up to site owners if they want to send paid content to free members, and there are valid use-cases for doing so; we have no plans to change this behaviour.

Ack. Thanks

Ah, @matthanley, one more thing…
Somewhat related to this, are there ideas around sending out emails without creating a post?
Thanks again