Pull page data onto custom home page WITH loop?

Hi there! I’m trying to customize the home page of my website, pulling in data from a page (“home”) to populate the content at the top, while the loop and pagination remain at the bottom. I’m using the Dawn theme (which I love!), and I can’t seem to find a solution that allows me to have both.

Either I can have a post populate the top section (not ideal) and the loop work properly (using {{#get “posts”), OR I can have a page populate the top, but my loop disappears (using routing as described in this tutorial). I’ve tried using #get to pull in my posts with the latter method, which does work, but kills the pagination (so eventually I’ll just have a long list of posts—again not ideal).

If I follow the Custom Home Page tutorial to the letter, what I end up with is a 400 error about {{pagination}} — so I have to remove the pagination to get it to work at all. :(

Does this make sense? Is what I’m trying to do at all possible?

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Annnnd I found a solution. This thread has the secret. Long story short, you can use {{#get}} with pages as long as you incorporate a #foreach. For me this looks like this, and I have it on my “cover.hbs” partial, which is called on the home page. HuzzaH!

    {{#get "pages" filter=tags:hash-template as |howdy|}}
        {{#foreach pages as |page|}}
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I’m struggling with the same tutorial/documentation. The instructions are really unclear and could use an update. I got the same result you did, and in trying to fix it, have broken everything :woman_facepalming: