Schema Error - A value for the url field is required

Hi team,

I found an issue, while I was running the structured data tests on our blog that is running on Ghost. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go here - Schema Markup Testing Tool | Google Search Central  |  Google Developers
  2. You will see the error for Logo:

Not sure, what is causing this or how to resolve this? Any help is deeply appreciated.

Interestingly, I found the same bug on Cloudflare blog that is also running on Ghost - Schema Markup Testing Tool | Google Search Central  |  Google Developers

It seems the Organization schema generated by ghost has some issue. The logo field criteria as per Google is already met. So I am not sure what is wrong?

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Hello, i’m running Ghost 2.37.0.
I did a test with my site, it seems I don’t have this problem.

add a valid logo size

example 256x256

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Thanks for the reply @mskian and @giacomosilli

It seems in your screenshot, the logo come as an image object. Mine comes up as a string.

Where can we actually change these settings in Ghost? Do we have any control over how the schema is generated by Ghost?

Hey @aslmabas :wave: The schema is generated in “meta” part of Ghost particularly in this module, in particular, ImageObject comes from:

In this particular case, it seems like a bug :bug: And my understanding is that logo value should be an object containing url property instead of just the url string as it is now. Would appreciate if you could file this as a bugreport in Ghost repo with steps to reproduce this issue ;)

In case of CloudFlare instance the validation strangely fails on something else: it recognizes as invalid URL :man_shrugging:

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@naz Do you know if there has been any update on this bug?

We are seeing the same (GhostPro):

You are correct that the logo object schould contain it’s own set of attribtues (@type, url, etc) which aren’t getting included.

Working example:

There was an issue filed for this in the Ghost repo but there was not much traction from community to fix it. Would be great if somebody could step in to help with it ;)

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@naz Took a stab at it :slight_smile:

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To update others, the fix was merged yesterday. I’m not sure what the cadence is for Ghost’s ci/cd pipeline but it should appear in a future release.

@naz Do you know what typical timelines are once items are merged into master?

Hey @Eric_Morgan! We have a 2 week release cycle with optional release in between if there’s enough features/fixes/ect to justify rolling one out :slight_smile: There is a planned release next week - March 9-10ish

Hey @naz, I was curious about my contribution and if it was actually deployed since it was merged a couple months ago. 🐛 Fixed publisher logo meta schema by erm87 · Pull Request #11621 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub

I see it’s closed but when I test the structured data on our ghost instance I still am getting the same error on the publisher logo:

We are using Ghost Pro and a custom theme based off Casper. I figured since this was a /core/ feature that is outside the theme that it would update the structured meta data automatically when the PR was merged to TryGhost:Master.

Am I misunderstanding how this would work?

Hi @Eric_Morgan, your contribution has gone out as a part of 3.10.0 release and that was deployed on Pro environment the same week release was done. If you are experiencing this same issue on your Ghost(Pro) instance feel free to shoot an email to and we’ll be more than happy to give you a hand directly!