Serverless Ghost

So far some progress, I tried using AWS lambda and firebase functions for that did not work at all.
I have identified a few problems so far.

  • ghost has option to implement custom storage adapter, there is a famous s3 adapter I am currently using. This make storage at least serverless.
  • next is database. Ghost uses knex library as database adapter which only sports SQL databases. I am currently looking for hooking nosql functionality into knex and change default adapter to either firebase datastore or dynamidb.
  • finally there’s cold start problem, even if I am able to run ghost on aws lambda, it will take some time to initialize every time there is a request which is an overhead. I am looking into speed up loading using lazy stuff.

Recently Google announced cloud run which allows us to directly run serverless container. The only thing then missing is database. If I succeed mounting a volume for sqlite storage on cloud run container, it can completely go serverless.


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