[solved] Is it safe to clear/delete a few rows of mobiledoc_revisions?

Is it safe to clear/delete a few rows of mobiledoc_revisions?

Background: I have posts (I’m happy with) done and published and I really don’t care about those revisions right now. I am however afraid of impacting my already published posts should I mess up the data in mobiledoc_revisions.

I just want to clear some space in my DB as I’m running out of storage (perhaps other suggestions of what I could delete instead?).

After doing DB backup to be safe I did delete all rows in mobiledoc_revisions and all fine.

I recall purging some records in this table with trepidation some many versions ago because of database bloat. Would be interesting to know if this table could automatically be purged from time to time.

I have now done it a dozen times. In my setup, no repercussions.