Spinner on manage post published and draft views does not stop spinning with database containing 1,000+ posts

The spinner on the manage post published and draft views does not stop spinning. The draft or published views shows only the first 20 posts and then do not continue to page through results. At the bottom of the page the spinner just keeps spinning.


  • This is a self managed version of Ghost on Heroku platform. Heroku and JawsDB are both paid accounts.
  • The database contains 1,000+ posts.
  • Ghost version is 3.7.0
  • This did not occur in Ghost version 2.14.0
  • This is occurring on Chrome and Firefox
  • There are no errors reported in the console.

Interested if anyone has experienced this issue or has a suggested fix.

As a workaround we can create a public view with an obscure URL to help team manage these posts.

This bug was fixed in Ghost 3.8.0 ;)