Reading this thread and 502 errors after upgrading to Ghost 4 - #13 by Hannah
From what I can tell, everyone affected is on Node v14, and the problem is not with Node v14 itself but rather with how Node has been updated meaning Ghost is getting two different node versions.
We know the CLI is not good at catching and making these issues visible right now and it’s something we’re looking into to try to help.
If you are using nvm to manage Node, please make sure you’ve read this: Using nvm with local and production Ghost installs
If you are updating Node, it’s a really good idea to do this separately to updating Ghost to 4.0.
My recommendation for anyone updating is to do the following:
ghost version
to get your current Ghost version - update node
- run
ghost update [ghost version] --force
to do a reinstall of the current Ghost version - check everything is ok
- now run
ghost update
to update Ghost itself
If you’ve already done the update and are running into problems, it will be easier to help if everyone starts their own threads.
Please share the normal debug info and also:
- did you just update node? If so how?
- output from
which node
- output from
node --version
- your systemd file
Important, take care: The output from running node --version with the full path from Exec Start in systemd, so if your ExecStart says
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /usr/bin/ghost run
then share the output from running /usr/bin/node --version`
This should be a good start.
This thread was started by @halfrost and we will try to help them here. Please can anyone else who is still having problems start their own thread sharing the info I have asked for?