Adding any code to the <script> tag of default.hbs breaks my theme

I don’t know if Im doing something unbelievably stupid or not. I just started customizing a theme based on casper. Any time I change anything in the main tag of default.hbs the entire theme breaks and nothing is loaded. I just get ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) all across the board, not a single resource loads, not even css or any js file.

Even a simple console.log("test") messes it up, am I not supposed to change anything in that script file?

Can you show me the code where you have changed?


Here. Code is a little bit a mess because I was trying to adapt casper with a sidebar like this theme,

I also figured that every time I used linting on the default.hbs it completely broke it. Not sure why.
Sometimes when I moved the script tags to another place it also broke the page. And it was hard to debug because pretty much every file was aborted when that happened

I checked the code. Seems to be okay. Can you share the full theme file so I can check?

here is the zip. Its a little bit of spaguetti code as I said. I eventually got it to work as I wanted but when I do any change inside the main script tag of default.hbs or if I change the script imports it breaks the theme.

Hi @ze-gomes,
I’m experiencing the same issue with default.hbs.
I can’t even recover the theme once it breaks that’s awkward.

Have you found the reason why the slightest change to default.hbs file breaks the whole site?

Reading the doc, this file is even “not required”;
I didn’t see anywhere that it says not to modify this file :man_shrugging: