Adsense ads for AMP pages

Hello everyone,

I was trying to optimize the ads for my Ghost blog and stumbled upon ‘Auto Ads for AMP’


How can I enable these in the amp pages of Casper theme.

what would be the ideal (or close to ideal) way to do so?



Ghost uses amp.hbs to render an automatic AMP version of your posts (read more).

Have you tried following the steps Google Adsense have suggested (in your screenshot) and implemented the scripts provided in the <head> and <body> of your amp.hbs template?

AMP has very specific restrictions, but you can validate whether this works by adding: #development=1 to any AMP URL on your site, and checking for errors in your console.

You can also read more about the amp-auto-ads component in the official AMP documentation :blush:

Thank you very much!

I started with the template specified at and added the parts needed for ads as specified in Adsense configuration.

Seems to be working fine now.

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