I’m unable to install Ghost locally. I’ve got the following error. Any help would be appreciated.
Terminal output
user@host:~/dev/ghost-dev$ ghost install local
Checking system Node.js version
Checking current folder permissions
Checking memory availability
Checking for latest Ghost version
Setting up install directory
Downloading and installing Ghost v2.15.0
Finishing install process
Configuring Ghost
Setting up instance
Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user [skipped]
Checking if logged in user is directory owner [skipped]
Checking current folder permissions
Validating config
Checking memory availability
Starting Ghost
A GhostError occurred.
Message: Ghost process exited with code: null
Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
Node Version: v10.15.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: development
Command: ‘ghost install local’
Additional log info available in: /home/user/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2019-02-24T19_39_51_768Z.log
user@host:~/dev/ghost-dev$ cat /home/user/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2019-02-24T19_39_51_768Z.log
Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
Node Version: v10.15.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: development
Command: ‘ghost install local’
Message: Ghost process exited with code: null
Stack: Error: Ghost process exited with code: null
at ChildProcess.cp.on (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/local-process.js:56:24)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:189:13)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:248:12)
user@host:~/dev/ghost-dev$ ghost doctor
Found a development config but not a production config, running in development mode instead
Checking system Node.js version
Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user [skipped]
Checking if logged in user is directory owner [skipped]
Checking current folder permissions
Validating config
Checking memory availability