Change subdomain of ghost blog

I am hosting a ghost blog on digitalocean. It is running fine. I would like to change the URL to use a new subdomain. The main domain remains the same.

Suppose the old URL is I want to change the URL to a new subdomain

How do I go about doing this? Thank you.

I’m looking forward to seeing the responses to this. It should be as simple as:

  1. adding or changing the server_name setting in your site’s nginx config file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/. Eg:
server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

  1. Changing the url setting in your site’s config file. Eg. using the cli: ghost config url

  2. Making sure the DNS record for the new sub-domain points at the same IP address. If you already have a wildcard (*) A record for your domain that points to the right IP address, there will be nothing to do.

But 10 years since the “SSL By Default” campaign started, and I still find it the most infuriating part of server admin. So I don’t know how you should change your subdomain without invalidating your certificate. Even nginx seems short on ideas.

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If someone already has a certificate from Let’s Encrypt DIRECTLY (one issued with Certbot), they can expand/extend the certificate to include the new subdomain:

$ sudo certbot --webroot -w /var/www/ghost certonly -d -d


$ sudo certbot certonly --expand --rsa-key-size=4096 -n --webroot -w /var/www/ghost -d

I managed to change the subdomain. I didn’t have to do much.

What I did was;

  • Add new DNS record for the new subdomain to Cloudfare.
  • Run the ghost-cli command ghost config URL

That’s about it. I do not have to get new SSL cert. I think it’s because the SSL cert was generated for the main domain which remains the same.

According to your URL, you’re not using SSL. Hence not needing a cert!

This looks awesome, thank you! Alas, there was a bit of devil in the detail. For other’s sake, here’s how I got it to work:

  • certbot can be installed on Ubuntu using sudo apt install certbot.
  • As you say, you need to already have a certificate issued using certbot. This is not the case in the default Ghost install (which I think uses /etc/letsencrypt/ instead).
  • However, you can just run the command twice - once to get a new certificate, and once to expand it!
  • Note that the -w directory needs to be /var/www/ghost/system/nginx-root in order for the .well-known/acme-challenge stuff to work, otherwise certbot can’t find your existing certificate.
  • The -n flag in the second command causes it to fail, because you need to accept the tos and provide an email address. Either remove that flag so it runs interactively, or add the --agree-tos and --email <email_address> flags.
  • In fact, just using the first command will prompt you to expand the existing cert anyway.
  • You need to change the ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key settings in your nginx sites-enabled file to point to the new certificate issued by certbot.
  • You need to restart nginx after making a config change, or even just modifying the cert, with sudo service nginx restart. Note that if it fails the systemctl mess on Ubuntu wont tell you why - check /var/log/syslog instead.

And voila! It’s “easy” to add additional subdomains to your certificate.

One doubt that remains - given that Ghost uses crontab to periodically renew the certificate automatically, wont this now fail because it uses instead of certbot?

I made a typo. My URL starts with https, not HTTP. Thanks for pointing it out.

I installed Ghost using DigitalOcean 1-click ghost droplet. Recently, I noticed that the SSL cert was automatically renewed. I didn’t have to do anything.

Okay it’s been 2 months so I’m about to find out whether renewal still works since switching from to certbot. The cron job is still working, but I guess it’s just renewing certificates I don’t use anymore. But now I see from this that certbot automatically installs a renewer too (sneakily hidden from crontab).

Tomorrow it’ll tick over to <30 days to expiry, so we’ll find out!

Cert updated! I didn’t realise at first, because the web server needs to be rebooted for the new cert to take effect. The actual cert date can be verified with sudo certbot certificates. So if I forget to reboot every 60 to 90 days, the auto-renewal is useless. Will take note!