Changed routes.yaml and added home.hbs - still getting 404

Hi! I’ve edited routes.yaml to move my blog to /blog/ subdir and created home.hbs within the template folder. /blog/ seam working. but when I trying to open the root - getting 404.

Here is my Yaml file:

  /: home

      permalink: /blog/{slug}/
      template: index

   tag: /tag/{slug}/
   author: /author/{slug}/

and here is home.hbs

{{!< default}}
<div class="row">
    <div class="content-wrapper content" data-aos="fade-up">
        <!-- start: .articles -->
        <div class="articles">
            {{#foreach posts}}
                {{#has tag="bgstyle"}}
                    {{> loop/bg-article}}
                    {{> loop/default-article}}
        <!-- end: .articles -->


Any ideas?

Did you create a page with the slug of /home/?

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Here is how I solved it:
template: home
controller: channel
filter: author:Ilya <-- works for me cause I’m the only author.

permalink: /blog/{slug}/
template: index

tag: /tag/{slug}/
author: /author/{slug}/

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Hi @libinpage thanks for sharing how you’ve solved it.

To clarify, does it mean you have not used a reverse proxy (and all the complexity that comes with that) to achieve this (installing ghost on a subdirectory)?