Content depends from the post tag

.hbs has very nice condition tags like:
{{#if …}} {{else}} {{/if}}

I would like to put html email newsletter sign up form (third party) and subscribe users to different mailing group related to the post with the tag or tag archive page. For example:

{{#if postwiththeTag:fashion}} signup form to fashion newsletter {{#if else tagArchivePage:lifestyle}} signup form to lifestyle {{else}} sign up form to general{{/if}} and so on

Is it possible?

This code not working:

{{#has tag="tagOne"}}
{{else has tag="tagTwo"}}
{{else has tag="TagThree"}}

I always get the last part after {{else}}. I put tag names, not tag slug.

Is {{#has}} placement important? It is before than tags.

This {{#has}} code is in different .hbs file than information about tag. Is it important too? Should it be in the same file?

This {{#has}} code is in different .hbs file than information about tag. Should it be in the same file to work?