Create popular and related posts using internal and public tags

I’m trying to add two post lists to the post page: popular posts (selected by internal tag #trending) and related posts (selected by tags of current post, but excluding any posts from the first section). I tried this:

        <div class="post-feed">
            {{#get "posts" limit="3" filter="tags:[hash-trending]+tags:-[{{tags[*].slug}}]+id:-{{id}}"  include="tags" as |popular| }}
                {{#foreach popular}}
                    {{> "post-card"}}

        <div class="post-feed">
            {{#get "posts" limit="3" filter="tags:[{{tags[*].slug}}]+tag:-[hash-trending]+id:-{{id}}" include="tags" as |related|   }}
                {{#foreach related}}
                    {{> "post-card"}}

But I find it that tags includes internal tags which often results in empty lists.

Can I select posts that share tags with current post but excluding any internal tags? Or better still, excluding selected tags?