Custom Template Pages - Can't Set Title!?

I have setup a few collections with custom template pages.

For each of these collections I have noticed that the in the header is always:
{{site_name}} (Page 1)

How do I change this, it seems odd that it’s not taking the page title that has been set as the collection page.



You can try to change it with this :


This would mean all pages would have a title as ‘site title’.

I may not have explained the problem correctly in the first place. I’m talking about the title in the head. This is the line of code:
<title>{{meta_title page=(t "meta-page")}}</title>

The problem is that when you have a Collection page, the title ends up being “My blog (Page 1)” which is not great. I’m looking for control over this so it makes more sense to the user.




Have you tried that:
<title>{{t "My blog"}}</title>

I tested it out, works fine

How do I include the article title, or tag title, or collection title in this area?

Home: MySite - Home
Collection: MySite - Collection Title
Tag: MySite - Tag Title
Article: MySite - Article Title

At the moment my default.dbs file is pretty simple. It just has the code I pasted above. It means that every page is titled “MySite” and collections are “MySite (Page 1)” which is not a good SEO solution.

Found a solution

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Glad you found a solution! :slight_smile:

I’ll bookmark it, it could surely help me too maybe!