On a VPS cPanel account, running ‘ghost install’ in the /public_html/blog directory through SSH produces the following error:
One or more errors occurred.
- SystemError
Message: The directory /home/username/ is not readable by other users on the system.
This can cause issues with the CLI, you must either make this directory readable by others or install node and Ghost-CLI in another location.
- SystemError
Message: The directory /home/username/public_html/ is not readable by other users on the system.
This can cause issues with the CLI, you must either make this directory readable by others or run
ghost install
in another location.
Help appreciated.
Debug Information:
OS: linux, v3.10.0-862.11.6.el7.x86_64
Node Version: v10.15.3
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost install’