Discourse Embed

If you’re looking for some help, it’s important to provide as much context as possible so that people are able to assist you. Try to always mention:

  • What’s your URL? This is the easiest way for others to debug your issue - thecollective.network
  • What version of Ghost are you using? - latest
  • What configuration? - DigitalOcean Droplet
  • What browser? - Chrome

In trying to integrate Discourse for comments, gone through the steps and being stumped on some particulars with the embed.

Referer: https://thecollective.network/test-podcast-entry/

The referer was either not sent, or did not match any of the following hosts:

  • thecollective.network/podcast/
  • thecollective.network/geek-2-0-podcast/

Added what I think is the correct collections into the routes.yaml file. Not sure what more do I need to do if this is something I’m missing (which is quite possible) would I need to create the static pages?

Hi there! Just to clarify, did you follow these integration instructions?

Quick question: is that supposed to be https://thecollective.network/podcast/test-podcast-entry? What you pasted doesn’t have /podcast/ in the middle, meaning it may be getting filtered out.

@DavidDarnes I have gone through the steps there and I think the hangup I’m coming against is the Whitelist Path aspect. Wanting to sort different articles into the Discourse categories.

@badrihippo I don’t have the sections set as my understanding it should direct the articles depending on its tags to correctly put it in a Discourse category. Trying to understand in creating Collections and from my understanding was that if it didn’t exists (the x.hbs) it would use the default template.

Have cleared out the whitelist path and am now getting a connection but, it is placing article comments within the podcast category. Will have to work on trying to get the content hubs working. Reading through the tutorial currently but thought what I had within the routes.yaml would be fine. Unfortunately it isn’t.

Everything appears to be working now as I think I finally wrapped my head around how everything works. Just took me awhile but I’m getting there.


Hang in there @Schrodember :cat:

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OK, I know I’m missing something on the Ghost end of this. The instructions seem incomplete.

Here is an example post in Ghost:
Post Title: DIY Build A Booth
Tag: booth
The result is the URL is example.com/diy-build-a-booth

I have a host setup in Discourse with path whitelist of /booth/ and automatically add it to the Booth category. I also have a host with an empty path whitelist and no preselected category.

The above example post in Ghost doesn’t get assigned to the booth category in Discourse because the tag of booth is not in the URL

How do I get the primary tag to be a part of the URL in Ghost so that Discourse sees it assigns it to the correct category? The integration instruction on Ghost don’t go in to this detail despite the fact it highlights it as a tip. It doesn’t tell you (or link to) how to make Ghost match what Discourse needs to do this. Help?