(Docker) Ghost crashes when uploading photos on one machine but not the other

I also have aready read this

and here is a copy of the terminal process I used and the error logs (the "#"s are the terminal prompts not comments):

[root@ghost ~]# docker run -d --name ghost -e NODE_ENV=development -e url=http://localhost:3001 -p 3001:2368 ghost
[root@ghost ~]# docker ps
[root@ghost ~]# docker logs ghost
[2024-01-29 04:34:54] INFO Ghost is running in development...
[2024-01-29 04:34:54] INFO Listening on: :::2368
[2024-01-29 04:34:54] INFO Url configured as: http://localhost:3001/
[2024-01-29 04:34:54] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2024-01-29 04:34:54] INFO Ghost server started in 3.106s
[2024-01-29 04:34:55] WARN Database state requires initialisation.
[2024-01-29 04:34:56] INFO Creating table: newsletters
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: posts
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: posts_meta
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: users
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: posts_authors
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: roles
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: roles_users
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: permissions
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: permissions_users
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: permissions_roles
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: settings
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: tags
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: posts_tags
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: invites
[2024-01-29 04:34:57] INFO Creating table: brute
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: sessions
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: integrations
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: webhooks
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: api_keys
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: mobiledoc_revisions
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: post_revisions
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: members
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: products
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: offers
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: benefits
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: products_benefits
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: members_products
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: posts_products
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: members_created_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:58] INFO Creating table: members_cancel_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_payment_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_login_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_email_change_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_status_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_product_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_paid_subscription_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: labels
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_labels
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_stripe_customers
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: subscriptions
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_stripe_customers_subscriptions
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_subscription_created_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: offer_redemptions
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: members_subscribe_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: donation_payment_events
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: stripe_products
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: stripe_prices
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: actions
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: emails
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: email_batches
[2024-01-29 04:34:59] INFO Creating table: email_recipients
[2024-01-29 04:35:00] INFO Creating table: email_recipient_failures
[2024-01-29 04:35:00] INFO Creating table: tokens
[2024-01-29 04:35:00] INFO Creating table: snippets
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: custom_theme_settings
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: members_newsletters
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: comments
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: comment_likes
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: comment_reports
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: jobs
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: redirects
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: members_click_events
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: members_feedback
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: suppressions
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: email_spam_complaint_events
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: mentions
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: milestones
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: temp_mail_events
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: collections
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: collections_posts
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: recommendations
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: recommendation_click_events
[2024-01-29 04:35:01] INFO Creating table: recommendation_subscribe_events
[2024-01-29 04:35:02] INFO Model: Collection
[2024-01-29 04:35:02] INFO Model: Product
[2024-01-29 04:35:02] INFO Model: Newsletter
[2024-01-29 04:35:02] INFO Model: Tag
[2024-01-29 04:35:02] INFO Model: Permission
[2024-01-29 04:35:03] INFO Model: Post
[2024-01-29 04:35:05] INFO Model: Integration
[2024-01-29 04:35:05] INFO Relation: Role to Permission
[2024-01-29 04:35:06] INFO Relation: Post to Tag
[2024-01-29 04:35:07] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2024-01-29 04:35:07] INFO Ghost database ready in 15.663s
[2024-01-29 04:35:17] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2024-01-29 04:35:17] INFO Scheduling job mentions-email-report at 28 15 * * * *. Next run on: Mon Jan 29 2024 05:15:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 26.5s
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Adding one-off job to queue with current length = 0 called 'members-migrations'
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Stripe not configured - skipping migrations
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Scheduling job clean-expired-comped at 9 52 0 * * *. Next run on: Tue Jan 30 2024 00:52:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2024-01-29 04:35:18] INFO Scheduling job clean-tokens at 23 29 11 * * *. Next run on: Mon Jan 29 2024 11:29:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2024-01-29 04:35:19] INFO Ghost booted in 27.311s
[2024-01-29 04:35:19] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2024-01-29 04:35:19] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 24 54 7 * * *. Next run on: Mon Jan 29 2024 07:54:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2024-01-29 04:35:19] INFO Running milestone emails job on Mon Jan 29 2024 04:35:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/" 200 535ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/vendor-0ede59da8efb5e28fa929557f7ff7154.css" 304 12ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/ghost-0704a125141af505d40c5f71e84f33ab.css" 304 14ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/vendor-6b83da0c6e6fede335947219c59e1543.js" 304 3ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/chunk.143.d41a3a112d0cf7035db0.js" 200 46ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/chunk.664.0bd9e83a6b03130112ae.js" 304 2ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/ghost-971615b195b524bf97f678a350865195.js" 304 8ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/videos/logo-loader-d91f93ba1dbf0f52a22815b5a571bd31.mp4" 206 39ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:37] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/fonts/Inter-roman.var-66c6e40883646a7ad993108b2ce2da32.woff2" 304 9ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:40] ERROR "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/?include=roles" 403 2535ms

Authorization failed

"Unable to determine the authenticated user or integration. Check that cookies are being passed through if using session authentication."

Error ID:


NoPermissionError: Authorization failed
    at authorizeAdminApi (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/core/server/services/auth/authorize.js:33:25)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
    at next (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:144:13)
    at authenticate (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/core/server/services/auth/session/middleware.js:28:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

[2024-01-29 04:36:40] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/site/" 200 9ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:40] ERROR "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/?include=roles" 403 7ms

Authorization failed

"Unable to determine the authenticated user or integration. Check that cookies are being passed through if using session authentication."

Error ID:


NoPermissionError: Authorization failed
    at authorizeAdminApi (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/core/server/services/auth/authorize.js:33:25)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
    at next (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:144:13)
    at authenticate (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/core/server/services/auth/session/middleware.js:28:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

[2024-01-29 04:36:40] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/site/" 200 3ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:40] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/authentication/setup/" 200 22ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:40] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/authentication/setup/" 200 10ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:40] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/img/logos/orb-black-1-32b72766be2164fdea6ab2565fb1c137.png" 304 2ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:41] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/admin-x-settings/admin-x-settings.js?v=61310103fc" 304 1ms
[2024-01-29 04:36:41] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/admin-x-settings/index-d65cac5f.mjs" 304 1ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:03] INFO Adding one-off job to queue with current length = 0 called 'sendWebmentions'
[2024-01-29 04:37:03] INFO PostEditedEvent received, updating post 65b72af72f68b500016f6ce7 in matching collections
[2024-01-29 04:37:03] INFO Adding one-off job to queue with current length = 0 called 'sendWebmentions'
[2024-01-29 04:37:04] INFO "POST /ghost/api/admin/authentication/setup/" 201 1684ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:04] WARN Invalid from address used for sending emails: noreply@localhost
[2024-01-29 04:37:04] ERROR Failed to send email. Reason: Sending failed.

Failed to send email. Reason: Sending failed.

"Unable to send welcome email, your site will continue to function."
"Please see https://ghost.org/docs/config/#mail for instructions on configuring email."

Error ID:


Error: Sending failed
    at createMailError (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/core/server/services/mail/GhostMailer.js:105:12)
    at DirectMailer.<anonymous> (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/nodemailer-direct-transport/lib/direct-transport.js:157:41)
    at DirectMailer.<anonymous> (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/nodemailer-direct-transport/lib/direct-transport.js:201:22)
    at QueryReqWrap.callback (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.76.2/node_modules/nodemailer-direct-transport/lib/direct-transport.js:448:44)
    at QueryReqWrap.onresolve [as oncomplete] (node:internal/dns/callback_resolver:45:10)

[2024-01-29 04:37:04] INFO "POST /ghost/api/admin/session" 201 707ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:04] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/?include=roles" 200 78ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:04] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/config/" 200 20ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/tiers/?filter=type%3Apaid%2Bactive%3Atrue&limit=all" 200 78ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/settings/?group=site%2Ctheme%2Cprivate%2Cmembers%2Cportal%2Cnewsletter%2Cemail%2Camp%2Clabs%2Cslack%2Cunsplash%2Cviews%2Cfirstpromoter%2Ceditor%2Ccomments%2Canalytics%2Cannouncement%2Cpintura%2Cdonations%2Crecommendations" 200 94ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/ghost-dark-6ad8cac49f53901201e9210bc1999eeb.css" 304 2ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/koenig-lexical/koenig-lexical.umd.js?v=a9a58f16a8" 304 2ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/themes/active/" 200 86ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/notifications/" 200 123ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:05] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/themes/" 200 121ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/img/user-image-639a88b784fb5f10964be8b975ca9fdf.png" 304 3ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/img/community-background-3f501ff1d764d0cb81f7c2cbacfc6503.jpg" 304 16ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/stats/member_count/" 200 468ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/stats/referrers/" 200 523ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/members/?order=id&limit=1&page=1&include=newsletters%2Clabels" 200 607ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/members/?filter=last_seen_at%3A%3E2024-01-21T09%3A00%3A00.000Z&order=id&limit=1&page=1&include=newsletters%2Clabels" 200 608ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/members/?filter=last_seen_at%3A%3E2023-12-29T09%3A00%3A00.000Z&order=id&limit=1&page=1&include=newsletters%2Clabels" 200 611ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/members/?filter=newsletters.status%3Aactive%2Bstatus%3A-free%2Bemail_disabled%3A0&order=id&limit=1&page=1&include=newsletters%2Clabels" 200 600ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/members/?filter=newsletters.status%3Aactive%2Bstatus%3Afree%2Bemail_disabled%3A0&order=id&limit=1&page=1&include=newsletters%2Clabels" 200 584ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:07] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/posts/?formats=mobiledoc%2Clexical&limit=5&filter=status%3A%5Bpublished%2Csent%5D&order=published_at%20desc" 200 684ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/site/" 200 3ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/config/" 200 75ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/settings/?group=site%2Ctheme%2Cprivate%2Cmembers%2Cportal%2Cnewsletter%2Cemail%2Camp%2Clabs%2Cslack%2Cunsplash%2Cviews%2Cfirstpromoter%2Ceditor%2Ccomments%2Canalytics%2Cannouncement%2Cpintura%2Cdonations" 200 152ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/?include=roles" 200 152ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/admin-x-settings/modals-2805e75e.mjs" 304 2ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/tiers/" 200 315ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/roles/?limit=all" 200 424ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/invites/" 200 451ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/recommendations/?include=count.clicks%2Ccount.subscribers&order=created_at+desc&limit=5" 200 449ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:11] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/incoming_recommendations/?limit=5&order=created_at+desc" 200 463ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/null/" 302 5ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/stats/referrers/" 200 488ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/newsletters/?include=count.active_members%2Ccount.posts&limit=50" 200 507ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/?limit=100&include=roles" 200 598ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/" 200 218ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/assets/admin-x-settings/index-c54bcc5d.mjs" 200 343ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/integrations/?include=api_keys%2Cwebhooks" 200 876ms
[2024-01-29 04:37:12] INFO "GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/token/" 200 796ms
[root@ghost ~]#