Edition theme - What code to add to Index.hbs to add simple title & paragraph of text?

I’ve been able to tinkering with index.hbs, but my code doesn’t seem to be as clean as required. Works for Chrome, but is slighty off-centered on iphone.

I’d love to have a simple title and paragraph like what I see in the Posts & Pages default theme in between the giant photo on top, and the newsfeed below.

Here is the current theme Edition index.hbs code

{{!< default}}

<main class="site-main">

<!-- MY EDITS -->
<div class="single-content gh-content gh-canvas">
    <p><strong>MY TITLE HERE</strong></p>

    <header class="feed-header gh-canvas">
        {{#if @custom.feed_title}}
            <div class="feed-header-wrapper">
                <h2 class="feed-header-title">{{@custom.feed_title}}</h2>

    <div class="post-feed{{#match @custom.feed_layout "!=" "Minimal"}} expanded{{/match}}{{#match @custom.feed_layout "Right thumbnail"}} right-thumbnail{{/match}}{{#match @custom.feed_layout "Text-only"}} text-only{{/match}} gh-feed gh-canvas">
	{{#get "posts" filter="tag:main" limit="all"}}        
		{{#foreach posts}}
            		{{> "loop"}}



{{#contentFor "body_class"}}{{#if @site.cover_image}} with-full-cover is-head-transparent{{/if}}{{#if @member}} logged-in{{/if}}{{/contentFor}}```

Could you share a screenshot of the UI from this?