Eror:404 using Page template for Custom Home Page

Hi there! Are you still having trouble with this? I think the original mistake in the yaml config may have caused this thread to get overly complicated. The routes.yaml should look like this:

     post: page.home
   template: page

  permalink: /blog/{slug}/
  template: index

 tag: /tag/{slug}/
 author: /author/{slug}/

Note The indenting, yaml files are sensitive to the indentation of keys and values. That should provide the home page with the data from the page with “home” as the slug. The other part is to redirect “/home/” to the home page, which can be done with redirects.json:

    "from": "/home/",
    "to":  "/",
    "permanent": true

Could you try these both out @vamsi3001 and let us know how you get on? Thanks! :v:

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