Filtering authors based on role

Hi All

Is there a way to filter authors based on role? For example, the standard roles are Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor. I just want to filter my Authors and leave the other users out, even if they have posts assigned to them. Is this possible?



Still, Now It’s Not Possible.

Hey @Rubel thanks for the reply.

That’s a little unfortunate!

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Hey there @Mattches! Could you give a little more context on the use case for this? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @DavidDarnes thanks for the reply.

I only want to display my users with Author role on a specific page.

Is that like a team page of some kind? Could you use the author slug to filter them? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @DavidDarnes

Yes it’s a collection of hundreds of authors. Would I have to use the slug for each one?

Oh right, is that hundreds you want to flag or hundreds in total? Maybe they could be flagged in some way in their bio?