Ghost CLI optional force https

Not guilty! As far as I understand it from digging back through slack logs, there was some concern that Ghost CLI was getting in the way, doing HTTP -> HTTPS redirects in advance and not letting Ghost do it’s redirect to the admin URL.

However, this doesn’t really make any sense to me. The admin URL, if it is set should 100% always be served over HTTPS.

If a user configures HTTPS, I definitely don’t expect that the HTTP version would show an nginx page.

Going forward, we are moving towards only supporting HTTPS - that’s where the web as a whole is going.

IMO, if HTTPS is configured, there should be nginx config in place to serve the ~/.well-known path for HTTP just in case that’s needed again to reissue the cert, and otherwise should redirect to HTTPS.

This is a sensible default, anyone who doesn’t want it to redirect can change it to a custom error page or whatever.

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