How long does a membership authentication session last?

When a member logs in, they are given a session cookie. How long does that session cookie last before expiring? That is: how long before a member needs to reauthenticate?

I have a second, somewhat related question: if a member is logged in already, and I want to revoke membership, I will delete that member. However, I believe the member’s cookie still exists, and it still works, allowing the member access to private posts.

Is there any way to revoke access completely?

Hey @ejames_c

I believe the cookie can last anywhere up to 6 months, if the member doesn’t clear their browsing history and cookies.

When you delete a member, their cookie does stay, but as soon as they visit the site, they are logged out immediately (and their cookie is deleted) so they no longer have access to any posts. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thank you Kym! You may mark this topic as closed. <3