How order get helper items by field or randomly

The {{#get}} helper is a wrapper around the Content API, as such the filter will be transformed to an API request which ultimately boils down to SQL such as SELECT * FROM posts WHERE slug IN ('slug3', 'slug1', 'slug2') ORDER BY published_at DESC.

You can change the order but I don’t believe the API will let you specify the type of oder that you want (something like ORDER BY FIELD(slug, 'slug2', 'slug1', 'slug3').

If you need a specific order of posts then I think you’ll need to use multiple {{get}}s or resort to manually ordering outside of the {{get}} usage - either client-side, or in your custom helper which it sounds like you are trying to use.

No, it’s intentional that this is not possible. It’s been explained a number of times on the forum, eg: