Can you check that you’re not going into an undefined context? e.g.
{{! begin partial }}
{{! end partial }}
This is a post
Would cause the context to be undefined (because post doesn’t have a post property) which means the has helper always returns false. Another thing you can do is use the else block to debug - e.g.
{{#has tag="hash-electronics"}}
omg yes it works
Tag list: {{tags}}
OK i will try this, so i need to wrap {{#post}} around each partial to give it context? I believe this partial is nested 2 layers deep. So that would mean I need to have:
No, I’m saying it’s the other way around - If in the outer template you’re in the post context, the partial will also be in the post context -
{{!-- Partial --}}
{{!-- Prints post title --}}
The title at the top of the partial is: {{title}}
{{!-- no title --}}
The title after trying to go into the non-existent post context is: {{title}}