Installing multiple ghost instances on a single server, ghost install failing on database migration

I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around the new ghost installation process. I used to have a ghost blog way back when you just downloaded and ran it. I already have nginx vhosts configured and ready to go. With SSL. They’re only waiting for appropraite proxy_pass entries.

My goal is to have multiple (three) ghost instances running on a single server. What is the best way to do that?

My first thought was to create separate system and mysql accounts for each with homes in /srv. However, I cannot even get the regular installation process of a single ghost blog to run properly.

Every ghost install attempt fails with

Running sudo command: /var/www/nanoghost/current/node_modules/.bin/knex-migrator-migrate --init --mgpath /var/www/nanoghost/current
✖ Running database migrations
A ProcessError occurred.

the /home/tenautomatix/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2018-07-22T14_36_31_892Z.log log contains only

Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
Node Version: v8.11.3
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.8.1
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost install'
Message: The database migration in Ghost encountered an error.
--------------- stderr ---------------
sudo: unable to execute /var/www/nanoghost/current/node_modules/.bin/knex-migrator-migrate: Permission denied

I can run this command successfully

tenautomatix@amber /var/www/nanoghost » sudo /var/www/nanoghost/current/node_modules/.bin/knex-migrator-migrate --init --mgpath /var/www/nanoghost/current         130 ↵
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: posts 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: users 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: posts_authors 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: roles 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: roles_users 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: permissions 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: permissions_users 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: permissions_roles 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: permissions_apps 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: settings 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: tags 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: posts_tags 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: apps 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: app_settings 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: app_fields 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: clients 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: client_trusted_domains 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: accesstokens 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: refreshtokens 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: subscribers 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: invites 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: brute 
[2018-07-22 14:40:12] INFO Creating table: webhooks 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: Tag 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: Client 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: Role 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: Permission 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: User 
[2018-07-22 14:40:13] INFO Model: Post 
[2018-07-22 14:40:14] INFO Relation: Role to Permission 
[2018-07-22 14:40:14] INFO Relation: Post to Tag 
[2018-07-22 14:40:14] INFO Relation: User to Role 
[2018-07-22 14:40:14] INFO Finished database migration! 

(is there a spoiler tag here?)

but ghost doesn’t start

tenautomatix@amber /var/www/nanoghost » ghost start                                                                                                        
Running sudo command: systemctl is-active ghost_nanodzialalnosc-pl
A ProcessError occurred.

Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p '#node-sudo-passwd#'  systemctl is-active ghost_nanodzialalnosc-pl
Exit code: 3

Because it encounters the same issue? Because it didn’t finish the installation?

‘ghost doctor’ has the same problem

Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p '#node-sudo-passwd#'  systemctl is-active ghost_nanodzialalnosc-pl
Exit code: 3

and returns commands to fix permissions which don’t help.

tenautomatix@amber /var/www/nanoghost » sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 00775 {} \; 
tenautomatix@amber /var/www/nanoghost » sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 00775 {} \; 
tenautomatix@amber /var/www/nanoghost » sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 00775 {} \; 

What’s happening and how can I fix it? Is there a simpler, less brittle installation process available? I’d be happy to create the mysql users, etc by hand.

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