Looking for a consistent link to the plans page

I’d like to share a link to the plans page with prospective members. When they click the link, I’d like them to see the available plans/tiers.

I’m aware that there’s a link that works for logged-in users, and another for guests. I’m looking for ONE link that works for both audiences.

This path works for logged-in users: /#/portal/account/plans (example, you need to be logged in).
However, if a guest visits this link, they see the signup modal. Since the link contains /account, this makes sense.

This path works for guests: /#/portal (example).
However, if a logged-in user visits this link, they see the account modal:

This leaves me without a link that works for both audiences. Most people selling things on the internet have a link to their plans/pricing page that can be accessed by anyone (eg. Ghost(Pro) - Official managed hosting for Ghost), so I hope there’s an easy solution that I’m missing!

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