Migration from Hugo to Ghost

Well, I don’t know how to write all what I did to this work, but I finally made this.

I modified this script - https://github.com/saltfactory/node-jekyll-to-ghost to help.

Because the script is very old, I needed to solve many small problems of patters and sanitization to get the correct final json. Every time I tried to import the json to ghost, I discovery some errors pattern. I solved that one by one.

This post (Ghost and Markdown: Getting everything consistent on the backend) describe in details some of my problems. The main problem was solve the content that was not being imported to ghost. This was resolved by individually handling each of the errors when importing the json into the platform. A lot of work and a lot of small different problems.

In this post, I read the problem of \n that we need to substitute to \\n.

Some good links to read:

If you are facing the problem of content not showing in the ghost, the a-ha moment for me was treat the patter problem in that line in the script:

mobiledoc: "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"" + matter.content.replaceAll("\"","_").replaceAll("\\---","---") + "\"}]],\"markups\":[],\"sections\":[[10,0],[1,\"p\",[]]]}",

Here I tried to replace and remove the parts that was breaking the import matter.content.replaceAll("\"","_").replaceAll("\\---","---")

My final script follow. I hope this can help someone in the feature.

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const grayMatter = require('gray-matter');
const uuid = require('node-uuid');
const markdown = require('markdown').markdown;
const extend = require('util')._extend;

let tagList = [];
let matterList = [];

let ghostData = {
  meta: {
    exported_on: Date.now(),
    version: "5.7.0"
  data: {
    posts: [],
    tags: [],
    posts_tags: []

function getMatter(filePath) {
  let fileContent = String(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
  return grayMatter(fileContent);

function createSlug(filename) {
  return filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.'));
  // return Path.parse(filename).name  
  // const filename = Path.parse('/home/user/avatar.png').name  

function createDate(filename) {
  return Date.parse(filename.substring(0, 10));

function addUniqueTags(tags, index) {
  let postIndex = index+1;

  let addUniqueTag = (tag) => {
    if (tagList.indexOf(tag) === -1){

    createPostsTags(postIndex, tagList.indexOf(tag)+1);


  if (typeof tags === 'string') {
  } else if(typeof tags === 'object') {
    tags.map(tag => addUniqueTag(tag));


function createGhostPost(index, matter, filename) {
  let importUserId = 1;
  let post = {
    featured: 0,
    page: 0,
    status: 'published',
    language: 'pt_BR',
    meta_description: matter.data.excerpt,
    author_id: matter.data.author,
    created_by: importUserId,
    updated_by: importUserId,
    published_by: importUserId,

  post = extend(post, {
    id: index + 1,
    uuid: uuid.v4(),
    title: matter.data.title ? matter.data.title : createSlug(filename).replaceAll("-"," ").toLowerCase(),
    slug: createSlug(filename),
    // markdown: matter.content,
    // html: markdown.toHTML(matter.content),
    mobiledoc: "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"markdown\",{\"markdown\":\"" + matter.content.replaceAll("\"","_").replaceAll("\\---","---") + "\"}]],\"markups\":[],\"sections\":[[10,0],[1,\"p\",[]]]}",
    image: matter.data.images ? matter.data.images.title : null,
    meta_title: matter.data.title,
    created_at: createDate(filename),
    updated_at: createDate(filename),
    published_at: matter.data.date
    // publised_at: createDate(filename)

  return post;

function createGhostTag(index, tag) {
  return {
    id: index + 1,
    name: tag,
    slug: tag,
    description: ""

function createPostsTags(postId, tagId){
  ghostData.data.posts_tags.push({post_id:postId, tag_id:tagId});

function convert(src, dest){
  fs.readdir(src, (err, filenames) => {
    filenames.forEach((filename, index) => {
      let filePath = path.join(src, filename);
      let matter = getMatter(filePath);

      let ghostPost = createGhostPost(index, matter, filename);
      addUniqueTags(matter.data.tags, index);

    tagList.forEach((tag, i) => {
      let ghostTag = createGhostTag(i, tag);

    fs.writeFile(dest, JSON.stringify(ghostData), err => err ? console.error(err) : process.exit(0));

if ( process.argv.length < 4) {
  console.error('You need to specify a path to Jekyll posts.');
} else {
  let src = process.argv[2];
  let dest = process.argv[3];

  convert(src, dest);

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