Page not eligible for rich results known by this test


I tested the demo ghost post with the google rich test tool and are getting the following error:
Page not eligible for rich results known by this test

url tested: Start here for a quick overview of everything you need to know

Google does not really show the issue. Maybe someone has an idea?

Hey @Simbob,
Rich results are specific metadata to enrich results that appear in Google. You can add these by editing your theme.

You may also be getting rich results mixed up with structured data, which you can test for using this tool:

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the answer. Shouldn’t we make sure that the rich test isn’t failing? I believe it’s an important aspect for google to index?

Google will still index the site, rich results are the same with regular results but with added inline features. They are useful for users, but no needed on every site. However by making the right additions you can implement it yourself on your site :blush: