Placing a page's content on an index

We want to use content from a static page as a preamble to the list of posts:

  • on the home page
  • on each tag collection’s index page [software, support]

The docs don’t seem to deal with this scenario, so we have made various monkey patches based on tutorials and Forum posts, with very limited success :slight_smile:

This shouldn’t be that difficult - we’re sure someone can lay this out in 30 seconds ! :slight_smile:

  1. Since they all use index.hbs I assume we need some macros inserted above the list of posts to fetch page content. We would love a snippet for this.

  2. We have adjusted routes.yaml by guesswork, and it probably needs correction as well (quoted below).

We would be very grateful for any help given.

  • Ian

------ begin routes.yaml -------------------------------------------

      post: page.about
    template: index

    permalink: /{slug}/
      - index
    permalink: /software/{slug}/
      - index
    filter: tag:software+tag:-support
    permalink: /support/{slug}/
    filter: tag:support+tag:-software

  tag: /tag/{slug}/

------- end routes.yaml -------------------------------------------

Many thanks Ghosties !

Hi Ian,

The index route doesn’t have any data associated with it by default, so there’s nowhere for a data property in routes.yaml to inject into.

But there’s no reason you can’t just pull the content from a single post directly in the template file. For instance, adding this to index.hbs would render the content of a post with a slug of welcome as the intro section on your template:

{{#get "posts" slug="welcome" as |intro|}}

More info here:

John, excellent advice - thanks.

This loads the intro content beautifully into the home page, however I have now lost the ‘post cards’ previously appearing there.
Can I have it all ?

P.S. still seeing post cards on the tag index pages [support, software] using the index.hbs.


template: index

permalink: /{slug}/
- home
permalink: /software/{slug}/
- index
filter: tag:software+tag:-support
permalink: /support/{slug}/
- index
filter: tag:support+tag:-software

tag: /tag/{slug}/
author: /author/{slug}/


{{!-- The main content area --}}

    {{#get "posts" slug="about" as |intro|}}

      <article class="post-full {{post_class}} {{#unless feature_image}}no-image{{/unless}}">
        <section class="post-full-content">
            <div class="post-content">

    <div class="post-feed">
        {{#foreach posts}}

            {{!-- The tag below includes the markup for each post - partials/post-card.hbs --}}
            {{> "post-card"}}



No, the post cards are appearing, but hidden behind the {{content}} DIV.

It’s all there, just needs the layout unscrambled :slight_smile:

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