Redirect deleted tags

Good evening,
I have eliminated many “tags” that were indexed on google. Now obviously google redirect me to page 404 of ghost.

To avoid problems with google/indexing and/or to optimize Nginx is it recommended to create a rewrite url in Nginx or i do not have to do anything?

I had thought of something like this:

location / {
try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.php?q=$uri&$args;

I thought of making a redirect of the pages not found on the homepage

Maybe my request could be useful to someone else too.
Thank you

To avoid problems with google/indexing and/or to optimize Nginx is it recommended to create a rewrite url in Nginx or i do not have to do anything?

Any tips?

You can redirect with Ghost.

Check my options here:

Or Ghost redirects:

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Thanks for the reply.

I created a redirect for each tag I had deleted, like this:

     "permanent": true,
     "from": "^ \\ / tag / deleted_tag (\\ /?) $",
     "to": "/"

Very simple and works properly.

But, as suggested by the documentation, it is better for redirect using nginx or apache. Only as an alternative use the ghost redirect.

I would like to find a solution using Nginx
Thanks for your help.

301 redirects for removed pages to the homepage isn’t great for SEO, you’d be better off redirecting the old category URL to the new tag URL or if the category is really gone then creating a custom 404 template

I’m using the official theme of ghost (casper) so I have a 404 page.
For SEO, should I remove the redirects to the homepage and leave them on page 404?

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