Redirect JSON evaluating catch all rule even though a specific rules exists for a URL

Hey there

I migrated a site from MovableType to Ghost in November and have an issue with the old indexed search results. I’ve created a redirect.json file which is set up as follows.

        "from": "",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "",
        "permanent": true

The issue I have is that when I hit one the hard-coded URLs such as it still redirects to our 404 page because it evaluates the ‘catch-all’ rule and cannot match a URL.

My expectation was that it would match the first rule and then exit the redirect code.

Has anyone come across this before? Any useful solutions to this problem?

The redirects feature does not detect or redirect external domains. The feature was added to redirect Ghost url paths.

Hey Kate

I didn’t really understand that at first, but thanks to Sarah in support I now know what you mean.

The issue was that I had full URLs in the ‘from’ attribute in the JSON. Whereas I should have had the URL without the domain prefix, which works.


        "from": "/dn.mss/simplicity_is_highly.html",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "/dn.mss/apples_products_are.html",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "dn.mss/words_matter_talk_ab.html",
        "permanent": true
        "from": "dn.mss/the_truth_about_goog.html",
        "permanent": true

Thanks for your’s and Sarah’s help I can finally start repairing the malformed google search results.


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Glad you figured it out with the help of @Sarah :innocent:

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