My post URLs currently are #/{post-title} and I’m considering changing them to #/{primary-tag}. I found how to do that here, but then all my existing links, everywhere on the internet, for 1000+ posts, will be broken. What is the best (preferably bulk) solution to preserving the old links while adding the primary tag to the URL? (Speak slowly, please - I’m not a professional.)
You want a redirects.yaml, that specifies how to match things up.
If you were going from {primary-tag}/{slug} to /{slug}, that’d be pretty easy to do with a regex (pattern matching), but since you’re adding primary tags to the urls, you’re going to need one entry per post. Easy enough to do with the API and a bit of javascript.
Hi @NKBuzz maybe with the routing you should be able to do it. here are more infos about it → Ghost Themes - Dynamic URLs & Routing