I’m using Ghost 3.4 (and getting same effect on G4) and have a theme with a “related posts” component. I have about 85 posts I transferred over from Substack. Most posts have about 4-5 tags.
My related posts component is closely based on the Ghost tutorial on the topic, as follows:
{{#get 'posts' limit='2' include='tags' filter='tags:[{{post.tags}}]+id:-{{post.id}}' as |related-posts|}}
{{#if related-posts}}
<div class='c-related'>
<div class='c-title-bar'>
<h3 class='c-title-bar__title'>{{t 'You might also like' }}</h3>
{{> loop }}
Unfortunately, this results in pretty much the same 2 articles being shown after every post. My understanding is that Ghost is supposed to look for an overlap of tags. (ie if an article matches 3 tags, then it has priority over an article with 2 matches)
Would you have any tips for creating more diverse matches? Or is there a bug? How would I get to make match based on primary tag?