SearchinGhost - the new search plugin competitor

Hi everyone, while helping @thimiraonline with its theme I though it would be much more interesting to do something reusable and not only for this dedicated project.

So I came up with a new concept: Make search engine so easy that anyone can install it without any line of code nor theme update. I came up with Ghost Easybar.

The idea is to wrap together a Ghost search library (searchinghost, ghost-search or ghosthunter) with pre-made modal/pop up search layouts.

For now, the projet is still in an early stage but it works! I hope a proper documentation will be ready in a week :crossed_fingers:

If you know UI/UX designers that would be interested in sharing search box design, that would be a great help :grinning:. Currently, there is only 2 templates but I am idealy looking for 4 or 5.