I am running older version of Ghost Blog (0.7.*)
i would like to server a custom html folder when someone goes to myblog.com/customfolder
i am looking at frontend.js which appears to be using regular express routing, and im trying to add something like this:
// adding bitcoin slideshow
router.use('/customfolder', express.static(__dirname + '/customfolder')); // this doesn't work
router.get(/customfolder\/$/, function(req,res) {
console.info("customfolder PATH!!!!!!", __dirname);
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/../../../customfolder/index.html')); // this works
not sure if this is the problem, but when i type /customfolder/mycustumfile.html , it does add a trailing slash (‘/’) to the url.
in any case the server write looks like this:
/mycustomfolder/sub/foo.html/ 404 64.833 ms - -
all i want is to server regular express style files in this folder, so i can host a html presentation